A prayer written by Rabbi Eliezer Berland that our children will be able to stand up against the difficult tests we are all constantly faced with, especially in this generation, by following the advice of the tzaddik (righteous person) completely, without diverging from it at all, and thus our children will make a Kiddush Hashem (a sanctification of His Name) the likes of which has never occurred in any previous generation.


    Master of the Universe for whom all is possible, you know that this generation is the worst of any generation that has ever been. Who knows what the next day will bring. How will our children stand up to the tests they face, which only get worse and worse every moment. The Forces of Evil are coming at us with a flood of iPhones and the internet and other evil devices. Every single second the Forces of Evil come at us with new advice and revelations—new technologies—which have the power to drown the souls of our sons and daughters in the depths of the filthy swamp of the Forces of Evil. There has never been anything like this in the history of mankind: not in the Generation of the Flood and not in the Generation of the Tower of Babel, and not in Sodom, about all of whom it is written, “for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth” (Genesis 6:12). This included domesticated and wild animals and birds. And this is especially applicable now, as there have never been such difficult tests in the world, that “Klipat Zvuv” (the spiritual impurity which is named Zvuv) grabs hold of every child, whose Roshei Taivos (first letters) are spelled out in the verse “Write this as a remembrance in the Book and recite it in the ears of Joshua” (Exodus 17:14). This means that everyone, without exception, had fallen into the spiritual impurity of Zvuv, which is in fact the spiritual impurity of Amalek, which is the strongest force of spiritual impurity that has ever existed. And the spiritual impurity of Amalek now rules over every single boy and girl without exception and defiles them with the most terrible sexual impurity, from which they can never escape, because whoever has trodden in the muddy filth of the spiritual impurity of depravity can never emerge in peace. There is almost not a single boy or girl today that can stand up to the test of the seduction of the internet and iPhones. Almost no one is able to stand up against this frightful test which throws everyone down into the pit of Hell which is called “Doom,” from which no one can ever escape.
    Only one who discovers who the true Tzaddik is, and follows his advice completely, without leaving even a single hair outside, like a person who immerses in a mikveh (ritual bath for purification) without leaving even a single hair out of the water, just as “one who immerses in the mikveh should not be like one who immerses while holding a carcass [which imparts impurity] in his hand,” which is like one who returns to G-d half-way, or a third or a fourth of the way, and still remains in the filthy pit without a foothold, continuing to sink down with no end in sight and no purpose. And there is no one that can stop him from the powerful fall and the unending descent that continues every single day growing more and more intense each day. This fulfills what is written in the Gemara Baba Basra page 143 “You and the donkey.” That a person day by day, step by step, turns literally into a donkey: “Their flesh is the flesh of a donkey and their seed is the seed of a horse,” (Ezekiel 23:20). The spiritual impurity of Zvuv has swallowed them up, and the spiritual impurity of Amalek has become their daily bread. This is all because Hashem Yisborach (Blessed G-d) specifically wants that in these generations there will be the greatest Kiddush Hashem (Sanctification of His Name) that there ever has been in the history of mankind, that was never in any other generation, that our children who have not yet developed their minds to a full level of maturity, and cannot fully differentiate between Good and Evil, between Light and Darkness, between permitted and forbidden, between pure and impure, that precisely these boys and girls will subdue the Evil Inclination and will nullify it completely, recognizing it in all its severity, in all its cunning, in all its trickery, and all its fraud. And they will declare an all out war against it until there is nothing left: to destroy and annihilate, knock after knock, defeat after defeat, just as it is written about Yael, “She hammered Sisera, severed his head, smashed and pierced his temple. At her feet he knelt; he fell; he lay. At her feet he knelt; he fell; where he knelt there he fell vanquished’ (Judges 5:26-7). “Vanquished” is the numerical equivalent of Metatron. Yael, because she stood in the test, merited to ‘vanquish’.
    The angel Metatron united with her, and this is how she was able to bring down, wipe out and utterly smash Sisera’s temple, just like at the Song of the Well, when Israel merited to wipe out, crush, defeat and fight off all the Emorite, Canaanite, Hittite and Yevusite soldiers which represent all of the forces of evil from the beginning of time and that will ever exist until the end of all creation, which are only getting stronger from day to day and from hour to hour. Every single second they are doubling and tripling their powers which is the aspect of “ושלישים על כלו” (…with officers over them all. Exodus 14:7). They are tripling their powers each and every second with new forms of technology, innovations from the Forces of Evil that never existed before. And this is what Sisera’s mother said, “Why has his chariot delayed in coming? Why are the hoof beats of his carriage so late?” (Judges 5:28). This is because Yael and Devorah were able to crush, destroy and completely wipe out all of Sisera’s and Yavin, King of Hatzor’s soldiers, and nothing remained of the massive and awesome encampment of 4 billion soldiers, either 100,000, each one in charge of 40,000, or 40,000 each one in charge of 100,000.
    Because the moment that a person strengthens himself against the ghastly Evil Inclination which is drawn down from Sisera [gematria katana 29], which is the numerical equivalent of two times Haman [gematria katana 14 times 2 plus 1 for the kolel], “From Heaven they fought, the very stars from their orbits did battle with Sisera” (Judges 5:20), which is twice the value of “Haman,” then one merits to “booty of colored garments for Sisera, booty of colored embroidery...doubly embroidered garments for the necks of looters” (Judges 5:30). And from all of the trials in the world we will become “double embroidered garments for the necks of looters,” the encompassing of the colors for all the generations.             


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Lessons given by  the Rav

HaRav Levi Itzchak Bender, zt"l.