A prayer written by Rabbi Eliezer Berland that we should merit that the Corona virus should be completely eradicated out of existence and that there will be a sweetening of all the harsh judgements for everyone in the world and we will all return to be close to G-d and also everyone should be successful in everything they turn their hand to.




Master of the Universe for whom all is possible, please heal both me and also everyone in the world from the Corona (קורונא = 363) virus, since we are so close (קרובה - 313) to the final redemption (הגאולה + 50 = 363), and thereby reveal to us the fiftieth gate of holiness and the secret (סוד - 70) of the intercalation of the leap year (העיבור + 293 = 363), and from now on we promise that we will take upon ourselves to try to be much more careful about keeping all the commandments concerning interpersonal relations, between (בין - 62) each person (אדם + 45) and his friend (לחבירו + 256 = 363). By doing that we will be worthy of having miracles and wonders performed for us, the like of which have not been seen since the creation of the world. Also that will cause there to be a sweetening of all the harsh judgements for everyone in the world, all the men, women and children.

Dear G-d, please heal the whole world from this Corona (קורונה = 367) virus, as it is written about Miriam (מרים - 290) the prophetess (הנביאה +73 = 363) – Please G-d, please (נא - 51) heal (רפא + 281) her (לה +35 = 367) now. Dear G-d, for whom all is possible, please send (שלח - 338) a complete (שלמה + 375) healing (רפואה + 292 = 1,005) to everyone in the world, men, women and babies, boys and girls, to every single human being at whatever spiritual level they are on, also to all the beasts, animals, chickens and birds, they should all be healed immediately from the virus, and there shouldn’t remain from this virus even so much as a memory.

Every single person should merit, merciful and compassionate Father (אבא - 4), to fear (יראת + 611) of Heaven (שמים + 390 = 1,005), fear of You. Please G-d, do for us signs and wonders just as you did for our forefathers at the time of the departure from Egypt, and right now save us and the whole world. Save and rescue us from this Corona virus which is trying to annihilate everything alive.

Right now we are filled with regret for all the sins we have committed and we sincerely beg for Your forgiveness. In the merit of our returning to You please eliminate this accursed virus which misses out neither men, women or animals, boys and girls and babies.

Dear G-d, in the same way that the virus suddenly came into existence, please make it suddenly go away and disappear completely, literally in the blink of an eye (כהרף עין = 435). And thereby reveal to us the soul of Mashiach ben David (משיחא בן דויד = 435 including 1 for the kolel).

Please G-d, help us to build a strong connection to the high level (במעלת - 542) of all the holy (קדושים + 460) and pure (וטהורים + 276 = 1278) people, and also please renew the blessing on all the produce in the field, the grain (דגן - 57), the grapes (תירש + 910) and the olives (ויצהר + 311 = 1278) that they should all be healed in the blink of an eye (כהרף עין = 435). We should be worthy of seeing Mashiach ben David (משיחא בן דויד = 435 including 1 for the kolel) face to face. Please G-d, You are the One who does (העושה - 386) incalculable great deeds (גדולות + 449) and infinite (עד אין חקר + 74 + 61 + 308 = 1278) wonders, please do for us also right now countless miracles and wonders in order that there shouldn’t remain so much as the slightest memory of this accursed virus, and every single person in the world should be immediately healed.

Everything that You have done is for no intention other than that we should all return to You, in order that (כדי - 34) everyone should direct (שיכונו + 392) their hearts (לבם + 72) towards their Father (לאביהם + 88) in Heaven (שבשמים + 692 = 1278), and thereby He (הוא -12) will send (ישלח + 348) us every blessing (ברכה + 227) and success (והצלחה + 144) to all (בכל + 52) the work (מעשה + 415) of our hands (ידינו + 80 = 1278).



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Lessons given by  the Rav

HaRav Levi Itzchak Bender, zt"l.